Prepare For The Dive Of Your Life
Are you adventurous and looking for the perfect way to kick your adrenaline into gear while performing an activity that is unlike any that you have participated in before? If you have solely stuck to land activities in the past, think about all of the excitement that you will experience by jumping out of an airplane from an altitude that is thousands of feet from the ground.
Learn About Skydiving Packages
Tandem skydiving involves being paired up with an experienced skydiver who will be attached to you via a harnessing system. The person who you are assigned to jump with will be behind you so that you experience the full rush of free falling as you dive from the side of a plane. Skydiving packages include a basic lesson about skydiving, rental equipment, and a tandem jump from various altitudes.
You also have the option of purchasing a video of your jump, which will include still shots as well as up close videography. A drop zone is usually located right next to a skydiving center. It is a large open area and specific sections are designated for spectators, planes, and jumpers.
Choose the altitude that you would like to skydive from. Purchase a skydiving package in advance and consider treating a loved one or friend to a jump if you will be more comfortable participating in this activity alongside someone you know. You both will get to complete training together and will ascend into the air together but will be paired up with separate jumpers.
Stay Calm And Focused
It can be nerve-wracking to think about your first skydiving experience, and you may even contemplate backing out if you are extremely anxious. It is normal to feel uncertain about an adventure that is unfamiliar to you. Try to remain calm and remind yourself that the tandem skydiving experience is designed to be thrilling and will allow you to see the ground from a unique vantage point.
The amount of time that you are descending rapidly will be rather short. As you fall, you may feel as if you are flying, rather than plunging quickly toward the ground. After you release your parachute's cord, you will be floating slowly toward the ground at a relaxing pace.
Make sure that you receive a full night's rest and eat a hearty breakfast prior to your tandem skydiving experience. Leave your home on time so that you aren't rushed once you arrive at the skydiving center.