Tips For Organizing A Pro-Cannabis Yoga Class

If you're a yoga instructor in a state in which recreational cannabis is legal, you might wish to organize a pro-cannabis yoga class. This event can take several forms, including inviting your students to use cannabis before beginning to practice their yoga under your instruction. You might be surprised at how many yoga enthusiasts also enjoy partaking in cannabis, and many of them may do their own yoga routines at home after using cannabis in their preferred way. Here are some tips that you can use for making your first pro-cannabis yoga class one that the group enjoys.

Market It To Experienced Practitioners

When you're choosing the type of yoga that you'll teach at your pro-cannabis class, one approach is to cater to a crowd that is more experienced. If you offer a class for absolute beginners, it's possible that some people who aren't really interested in yoga — but who are interested in smoking cannabis — will show up, and this may affect your ability to teach properly. When you cater to an audience that has previously done yoga, you're more apt to find participants who will be respectful of your class.

Suggest Certain Strains

As you put together the marketing material for your pro-cannabis yoga class, it may be advantageous to suggest certain strains of cannabis that are conducive to doing yoga. For example, you don't want people to take strains that make them too tired to execute the poses, or make them so conversational that they disrupt other participants. You may wish to partner with your local cannabis dispensary to get some recommendations on what strains will allow people to get the most out of the yoga experience.

Emphasize The Senses

A lot of cannabis users appreciate how their sensory experience can change after using this substance, so this is definitely an angle that you want to focus on when you're leading the yoga class. As you speak, come up with a lot of ways to make reference to the senses, as this can enhance the experience for your participants. For example, you might tell them to focus on the feeling of their feet pressing into the floor as they perform a standing pose or to feel the gentle breeze moving across their skin if you're holding your yoga class outdoors. Several mentions of this nature, in cooperation with the use of cannabis, make help to make for a pleasant experience for those in your class.

For more information, contact a dispensary in your area.
