Basic Skills That You’ll Learn In Introductory Surfing Lessons

If you're interested in learning to surf and live near a body of water that has an active surfing scene, it can be exciting to search for lessons. There are likely all sorts of teachers who can lead you through the basics until you feel competent going out onto the water on your own. If you have a little experience surfing, you might be able to take some intermediate-level lessons. For a complete novice, however, beginner-level lessons will be appropriate. Beyond the expected information on riding waves, here are some basic skills that you'll learn early on in your lessons.

Getting Familiar With Your Board

While you're still on the beach, you'll learn some valuable information that will help you to understand your board. Expect your instructor to talk about the construction of the board and give you some tips on where you'll stand. You'll also learn about the board's leash and how to properly secure it to your ankle. Some instructors will also talk about what boards are best for beginners to use, which can be helpful if you're using a rented board for your surfing lessons but you plan to buy your own soon.

Paddling On Your Board

Before you can ride the waves, you'll need to get out to them — and this means that you'll need to paddle on your surfboard. Your surfing instructor will demonstrate how to lie on your chest on the board and use your arms to propel you and the board forward. In some ways, this movement will be similar to the front crawl that you perform while swimming, albeit without the use of your feet. When you reach your desired area, you'll learn how to stand up and get into the right posture for approaching waves.

Wiping Out Properly

While you might hope that you'll never wipe out while surfing, this is highly unlikely. Wiping out is a common occurrence, so it's important for you to know what to do when you feel yourself losing your balance. You'll learn the importance of jumping off your board when it becomes clear that you aren't going to stay upright. Getting away from the board is crucial for lessening the risk that the board will hit your head or body and perhaps hurt you. You'll also learn how to protect your head with your arms, identify and retrieve your board, and return to shore.

For more information, contact a company that provides surfing lessons.
