What You Need To Know About Weed Strains Before Your First Dispensary Visit

With cannabis becoming legal both for recreational and medical use in more states, you might be thinking of visiting a dispensary soon. But there's more to cannabis than simply buying a pack of weed and smoking it. There are many different strains of weed, each of which has its own benefits. Over time, you can experiment with different strains to see which you like best. Before your first visit to the dispensary, you'll really only need to know a few basics -- including the differences between indica and sativa, the two categories into which weed strains are divided. Read More 

3 Ways To Get Your Medical Marijuana

If you have been granted the ability to get medical marijuana, there are various ways that you can get it. Each of the methods has its own benefits, and you might choose to use one over one of the others.  Dispensary One way to get your medical marijuana is to work with a dispensary. These are basically like pharmacies that have various marijuana strains and products that you can buy. You will have to show them the card that you have from your state showing that you are allowed to get medical marijuana, plus you may have to show them your ID as well. Read More 

How The Use Of Recreational Cannabis May Benefit You

More and more people are starting to take some interest in cannabis as their states begin to pass laws to support it's recreational use. Even though it is allowed for recreational use, that does not mean that there are not some major benefits that can be had from using it. Simply, a recreational use states simply means you do not need a prescription to purchase it from one of the designated recreational cannabis dispensaries. Read More 

A Guide To Getting Started In Archery

When you are interested in a new hobby, you really can't go wrong with archery. This is a recreational activity that is great for your mental and physical health. Taking advantage of this hobby will allow you to embrace it to the fullest, and you'll be able to jump into it head-on. Follow the tips in this article so that you can get the help that you need to learn more about archery and get better at it as a whole. Read More 

Prepare For The Dive Of Your Life

Are you adventurous and looking for the perfect way to kick your adrenaline into gear while performing an activity that is unlike any that you have participated in before? If you have solely stuck to land activities in the past, think about all of the excitement that you will experience by jumping out of an airplane from an altitude that is thousands of feet from the ground.  Learn About Skydiving Packages Read More